Navigating Commissions

I have completed over 75 site-specific private commissions for the commercial, healthcare and hospitality environments. In fact my art practice is almost entirely commissioned based. Unlike most artists, I don’t make a large body of work and then try to sell them. I like to get paid first then make the artwork. But, it can be a bit tricky. In partnership with CODAworx, I wrote a three part article about navigating the private commission process. You can read it here.

I also offer informal artist mentoring. If you are serious about growing your art practice with site specific commissions, public or private, I will help you. I do this at no charge. I do this because people have helped me every step of my artist’s journey.

The way it works is that we identify areas you want to improve or expand into. I share my experience on how to a develop a client list, contacting art consultants, developing relationships, pricing and more. Most often this is over Zoom but if you are in the Houston area, a studio visit may make sense. If you are serious, email me to set up an initial conversation.